Agreeing with God
After discussing what it means to obey, let’s take a look at agreement. To be in obedience signifies we will be willing to walk with God and follow his instructions. We are told that for two or more to walk together, they must be in agreement (Amos 3:3). An agreement sounds like a simple or casual response to something you like. It actually has a strong action and result to it. You could even say that agreement has a cause and affect! We are given the letters Aleph, Dalet, and Zayin. Together they provide the picture “Grabbing and possessing an object.” What and who are you in agreement with this day? Are you agreeing with health or sickness, joy or pain, or wealth or poverty. Remember that as one thinks in their heart, so shall they be, that is because they agree! Take a closer look at these symbols of Strength (Alef), a Door (Dalet), and a Plow (Zayin). They reveal how it all begins with agreement with God. The Father enters our life as we plow and plant His Word (Yeshua, Christ Jesus) in our hearts! Search the scriptures and find what God has spoken over your life, come into agreement with those Words, grabbing and possessing them! This is the power of agreement! May we only be in agreement with his Perfect Will for our life:)