Rest in Righteousness!
What would make me say such a statement? Are you the righteousness of God? You are righteous, spotless, and blameless because of the work that Jesus completed on the Cross. Yes, that's right because of the cross, you have been placed in right standing with God. Some may ask, what about my transgressions? Romans 4:15 reminds us that the law has been abolished and removed since "Where there is no law there is no transgression." If you have not transgressed, you stand blameless! By simply believing, you are made righteous, without works. Righteous is spelled with the 3 Hebrew letters Tsade, Dalet, and Qof. When read together, the letters form the image that we are instructed to rest (only believe) in the Son (Door/Entrance/The Way) and Salvation (Jesus) will be manifested. Note: Please take the time to study each picture on the home page. By the guidance of the Holy Spirit, a deeper meaning will be given unto you.