What is a Commandment?
We have all heard of Moses and the 10 Commandments. We might not know there are a total of 613 commandments total in the Old Testament (Torah). Why did God give these commandments? There has been great debate as to whether the Commandments were meant for the heathen or the godly, given by Moses or God. Ancient Hebrew paints a wonderful picture of what a commandment is and why they are important regardless of who you are. A commandment is a guideline, rule, counsel, order, law, etc...Why are these crucial for everyday life? In hebrew, the word "commandment is spelled with the letters Tsade and Vav. Vav shows the image of a person resting, this can also be interpreted as need or desire. Tsade is a tent peg or a method of securing something. Did you know that tabernacles and tents cannot stand without pegs? They would fall or collapse. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 3:16 that we are the temple of God and that He dwells in us. So imagine now that you are a tent where God dwells. How can God share with you his desire and build a secure foundation with pegs, well he cannot? With God's commandments, we are provided with his desire/need and they, in turn, help secure his desire. All in all, his commands help maintain us. All in all, we are told in Romans 13:8-9 that all of the commandments are fulfilled and summed up in the act of loving others. So where there is love, the law is fulfilled! As we walk in love we are fulfilling the Father's desire, for he is love (1 John 4:8). In the Song of Songs 7:10, Solomon tells us that we belong to God and his desire is toward us. Those that do not know the heart of the Father will not know his desires or needs. Yet, I tell you, if you ask Him and draw close to Him, He will draw close to you. At the end of the day, it is not about laws, but about love. Shall you walk with God, with one heart, one mind, with one love?