Blessed and Highly Favored...
We spoke on what it means to be blessed. Now, let's look do a study on favor. Blessing and Favor actually go hand in hand. As a reminder, blessing is receiving all that God has for us in our purpose and calling, which is his perfect will for our life. The most important gift God gave was his Son Jesus. As we receive Jesus in our hearts, it is as a seed being planted in our life. That seed will continue to grow and mature as we grow and mature in Christ Jesus. This is where "favor" comes into play. As we receive Christ into our lives and allow God to edify, build, and perfect us, we are essentially telling God to use us, count us faithful, and accomplish His work in the Earth through us. Can you think of anything more valuable than His Word? 1 John writes to us that in the beginning was the Word and this Word was and is God. You have this same Word living on the inside of you. Those that keep His Word and obey His Word will have the favor of God in their life. If something is of great value, you protect it right? Well, the images provided for the word "favor" are of walls surrounding a seed. God is protecting his Word and those that carry, become, and are faithful in carrying out the Word. We are given the two characters in Hebrew of Chet and Nun. Again, God is putting a great wall around those that are in agreement with His Son Jesus and are hearers/doers of his Word. Being blessed and highly favored is not about you so much, but about the Word of God living on the inside of you. As you build up the Word of God on the inside of you, God builds a wall of protection all around you...Amen!