A look at Vengeance...
We see the word "vengeance" throughout the bible. It is often associated with God due to the often quoted verse in Deuteronomy 32:35 "Vengeance is mine." Vengeance, while often seen as a destructive and unforgiving force, is focused on the exact opposite. "Vengeance" is spelled with the letters Nun (Seed/Sperm/Life), Qof (Manifesting Jesus [Yashuah]), and Mem (Blood/Understanding/Water/Chaos). The pictures that are created from these 3 letters do not at all portray a theme of retaliation. Instead, we see life, the Word of God, Jesus Arising, and the Continuation of the House of God. This is what belongs to the Father. This has been the purpose from the beginning, to produce the seed, manifest Christ, and see that the house of God continues. He has the ultimate say so in this matter. The Father will do whatever it takes to produce Yahshua on the Earth. As it is written, if a tree does not yield fruit, let it be pruned and watered, if it remains unfruitful, let it be burned.
Let us turn to Luke 21:22 which says "These are the days of Vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled." Replace the word "vengeance" with "The Salvation and Manifestation of Jesus throughout the Earth." The work of the Father through Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all things! It still stands true that God does not wish that any should perish. He desires that all receive salvation and manifest Christ Jesus in their life. We see the Vengeance of God, he is zealously putting his house in order and removing the things that should not be there.