Sons Manifest the NEW CREATION
1 John 3:1 "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." Firstly, love is a gift that is given. What was given to the Sons of God? Something was given and bestowed upon us, it was such a gift that was given, that we were and should be called the "Sons of God." In Ancient Hebrew, a look at "love" (H157) will show you that it is both a gift and a burden. According to the ancient Hebrew lexicon, a burden is "A heavy gift that is difficult to bear." From the last "Pearl" released, I taught that the burden of the Sons of God is to bring salvation, resurrection, and transformation to the Father. Creation and our Father are not merely waiting on sons to manifest on the Earth. The Sons are here! The Father is waiting on his Sons to manifest something and bring transformation to HIM! Romans 8:19 tells us of an expectation of a manifestation from the Sons of God. A Son of God is not a new concept, they were with the Father from the beginning This is referring to Sons bringing forth and manifesting a "New Creation!" Those that have ears, may they hear! 1 John 3:2 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be." Do you understand Saints, John knew we were Sons of God at that moment already and that we were called to become something new, meaning a new creation would appear and manifest in and through the Sons. He, John the Revelator, was writing a mystery. He did not say we will become Sons of God, He said WE ARE SONS! Yet, he did not know what we were predestined to manifest as Sons/Yahshuas! He later answered his question in Revelation 7:10 where he wrote that a great multitude "cried with a loud voice saying, Salvation to our God." The Father is earnestly awaiting his Sons to manifest his total Salvation, Resurrection, and bring Transformation to HIM!