Out of Heaven...
I begin this "Pearl" with the verse in 1 Corinthians 3:16 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? Paul refers multiple times as us being the Temple of God. Therefore, everytime we read God's temple in the Word, we know it is referring to God's people. This will help us further understand the following verse in Revelation 11:19 "The Temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament." We are told that God's temple was opened in heaven. If we are God's temple, then this verse is explaining to us that we are heaven or in heaven. Additionally, where is the ark of the testament? It is in you, God's Temple, which is also in Heaven. Next, to explain what is coming out heaven. The majority of symbols and parables in the Bible refer to us. Out of us comes the Living Word of God. This revelation concerns Lot and the Word he gave to Sodom and Gomorrah. God could not have brought judgement to these two wicked cities if he did not first set the standard with the Word of God. Noah preached 100 years before the flood came. After Sodom and Gomorrah were brought the Word of God and how order must be established, God saw that they would not repent. Lot was the Son of God who was staying in these cities at the time, preaching the Word. In Ancient Hebrew, the Word brings Order and when the Word is rejected, it bring a Re-Ordering/Smiting/Plagues. I know this may sound strange, but we see it all throughout the Bible. Moses brought the Word of the Lord, when Egypt rejected the Word, Plagues followed. Now that this understanding has been established, we can understand what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, along with what part Lot played. Genesis 19:24 reads "Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven." Take a look at what is happening through the lense of a Son of God. It states that out of heaven, specifically Lot, came judgement and a re-ordering of the people. Having said this, play close attention to the Sons of God when they enter into a city and when they leave. When it is written that we are more than "Conquerors," it is saying that as Sons, our Words are not idle, but are sharper than a two-edged sword that is able to divide asunder. Divide also means to separate. Out of heaven we know came the flood. It was out of Noah that came the Word that eventually, when rejected, re-ordered all of Creation. In the Ancient Hebrew, the name "Noah" means the "Word Separates." This is exactly what the Flood did as it separated those that received the Word and those that rejected the Word. This "Pearl" amongst many others, is bringing the revelation that God has placed everything in you and it is up to us to discover and manifest this fullness. God Bless...