I am Holy and Set Apart
"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory" (Isaiah 6:3). "Holy" is Strong's #6944. It means to separate or to be set apart. What is the purpose of saying we are holy and he is holy? What does he need to be separated from? In the previous "Pearls" we have discussed concepts such as time, flesh, and carnality. In Ancient Hebrew the word "Holy" is spelled with the letters Qof (Time), Shin (Separate), and Dalet (Door). The Father is stating that we can only separate ourselves from time, flesh, death, and the mark of a beast through the door that is Yahshua. As we separate ourselves, we bring salvation, reconciliation, and holiness to our Father; this is why we declare Holy, Holy, Holy! We are daily carrying our cross, laying down our flesh, and allowing Yahshua to be manifested in us. As we separate ourselves from the carnal mind and put on the mind of Christ, we begin to separate ourselves from time, death, and carnality.