Eyes that Behold!
Jesus said, "He that has eyes, may they see." Of course, if a person has eyes, they have vision. What specifically are we supposed to be seeing? To answer this question, we must look at the word "behold" in Hebrew. The word "behold" in Hebrew is made up of two letters, Hey and Nun, combined they form the images of a man standing with upraised arms and the seed/sperm. These two images answer a very important question in our walk with God here on Earth. While I am here, in this fleshly body, what is worth seeing. What out of all Creation is worth beholding. I know I have eyes, but what do you want me to see Father? The answer is this: Behold that in man is the Word, Seed, Continuance of Life, and the Salvation of God. Every letter in the Hebrew Alphabet is centered and grounded on the concept of Salvation through Jesus Christ. This understanding cannot be removed or separated from the Hebrew Alphabet. The entire language of God is focused on the one goal of Reconciliation and Salvation through Yahshuah. So today, behold that it is Christ in you, the Living Word of God in you, the God Seed in you, the Light of Life in you, and the Salvation of our Father that is planted inside YOU! That is what God wants you to see and BEHOLD.