Curse Not!
You have learned what it means to be offended and to accuse. Now let's look at what it means to curse. This study will open our understanding of why God told us to "Curse Not." The word for "Curse" in Hebrew is "Qelalah," H7045. It is made up the symbols Qof (Sunrise), Lamed (Staff/Hook), and Hey (Reveal). When someone is cursed, they are deemed worthless and without value. The pictograph provided with these symbols shows us that cursing causes people to not just be separated from Yahshua, but it stops the Word of God from manifesting Yahshua/Salvation in peoples life. Cursing is what most accusers do when they are very angry. What normally follows an accusation is cursing. We do not realize that when we curse someone, we declare that they will not be reconciled to God, manifest Yahshua, or bring salvation to the Father. Yahshua told us to "curse not" for a very good reason. In the book of Job, we learn from Job's wife that if we curse God we will die. I'm sure you are now thinking through the impact cursing has. We are not called to curse, but to reconcile and partake in the ministry of salvation and reconciliation. Declare innocence over creation and you will free yourself from offence, accusation, and curses. Remember that a curse without a cause will not alight. Every curse starts with an offence and an accusation. Father is looking for his Sons to reconcile creation and declare innocence, just as Yahshua did on the cross.