The Process of Being Born Again
"Excuse me sir/ma'am, but the Bible says that you must be born again, and not as a baby, but by the Spirit of God." At times, there seems to be some confusion as to what being born again really means. Let us look closely at the Hebrew word for "birth." Mishber means to birth, break forth, burst open, and even exchange. It is spelled with the Hebrew letters shin, bet, and resh. The meaning that the Hebrew language provides us gives us a greater understanding of the scriptures. John 12:24 tells us "Except a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it will not produce fruit." The whole idea of giving birth in the spirit relates to us willingly surrending our will and receiving the will and life of the Father that is in Christ Jesus. Matthew 16:25 tells us that "whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." This is all about an exchange. As Paul said, in exchange, he no longer chose to live according to his life and will, but willingly crucified his desires, will, and ambitions, thus allowing the life of God through Christ Jesus to manifest. We are born again, by accepting Christ Jesus into our hearts. This is the planting of the Seed. We must surrender our will as Christ said "Not my will, but your will be done." In doing so, we are watering the "Christ In Us." Should a mother do what she wants to or attend to the needs of her baby soon to be birthed? This birthing that is taking place in us has nothing to do with gender but, the manifestation of the Sons of God. Christ in you is the hope of Glory. When we receive Jesus and believe in our hearts that he is Lord and Savior, we receive the Seed of God. Attend to this seed, for it is your LIFE. It is indeed a process that cannot be neglected. Every day, let us declare, not my will, but let your perfect will BURST FORTH, BE BIRTHED, and MADE MANIFEST in my life. It is all about Jesus, the Jesus that is in you and waiting to be brought forth!